How To Make $30 Per Hour Just BY WATCHING VIDEOS Online (EASY 2021)

I'm going to explain you how you can make 
$30 an hour watching videos and browsing 
the web and I know that sounds too good 
to be true but I tried it myself to 
prove it work and it does so stay tuned 
ninjas because this is gonna be a good one. alright guys so here we're going to talk about exactly how you can 
make $30 an hour just browsing websites 
and watching videos and the reason that 
I actually stumbled across this method 
is because I was helping my friend build 
out a piece of software and we were 
having some troubles where people were 
getting confused actually signing up 
during our signup process and we were 
just confused because we were like this 
is the most obvious thing in the world 
you know signing up becausea we built it 
and we made it but what we learned was 
it's actually much more difficult to get 
people to do what you want on a piece of 
software or on a startup or companies 
and things like that and so what 
happened was we actually started digging 
ourselves oh it'd be so nice if we could 
just pay somebody like a random person 
out there in the world to actually use 
our website and give us their thoughts 
on that website and you know what was 
confusing and what made sense and just 
watch them use it because then we can 
make changes to user interfaces and 
things like that and so I started 
looking for myself and doing what any 
natural entrepreneur does and I Google 
search you know user testing like you 
people to actually test your website and 
things like that and what I found was 
there's actually a huge marketplace not 
only for companies and software and 
things like that wanting people to 
actually test the inner the user 
interface of their software but on the 
other side of that there's a huge 
marketplace for people to actually test 
and be paid to test software and here
going to explain you guys how you can 
actually get paid by these big companies 
and software companies from around the 
world to just simply browse their 
websites and watch videos while 
recording your thoughts and recording 
your experience it's literally as easy 
as that I know it probably sounds too 
good to be true but you can literally be 
paid thirty dollars an hour to do this I 
signed up and tested one myself to 
confirm to make sure because I would 
never make a video on something that 
could potentially be a scam it is legit 
and we're going to talk about exactly 
how to do it right now alright guys 
welcome to our computers so what we are 
looking at right now is one of the best 
three services that you can actually get 
paid at 30 dollars an hour you can see 
right here you will be paid ten dollars 
for each test a typical test lasts 
approximately 20 minutes in my 
experience it can take anywhere from 
five minutes up to you know thirty 
minutes which means if you're 
if it takes you five minutes you still 
get paid ten dollars you know five times 
twelve is one hundred and twenty dollars 
an hour you complete it in five minutes it's not 
necessarily best to actually rush 
through it but we're going to talk about 
the best three services to actually use 
to do this so I sorted through literally 
hundreds of these sites for you guys you 
know I looked them up on Better Business 
Bureau I looked them up on Trust pilot. 
I wrote through a bunch of reviews and 
testimonials and pretty much there's 
really only three to kind of six total 
that are even worth doing and have been 
around for a long time and actually pay 
you the money and aren't a complete 
waste of time or a scam so the three 
sites that we're going to be discussing 
will pay you ten dollars per test which 
all take you know anywhere from five to 
twenty or sometimes even thirty minutes 
so if it takes 20 minutes and they pay 
you ten dollars per test obviously that 
equates to thirty dollars an hour so 
let's get into what the best three sites 
are to do this and tips and tricks on 
how to actually use them to make the 
most money the fastest but really 
quickly guys I wanted to give a huge 
shout out to our daily giveaway and 
prize winners we're giving away 
thousands of dollars of cash and prizes 
every single day just to thank all of 
you amazing subscribers for what you do 
and all you have to do to enter if you 
want to be our next big winner it's 
three simple things tap the little like 
button leave your best comment on this 
article. The 
three best websites in order of least 
two best are as follows the first one is 
called tri MIUI and no that is not try 
my urinary tract infection this is 
literally try my user interface the next 
one is called user lytx which we can see 
right here once you get your test 
results have been approved upon the user 
test project you will be paid 5 10 15 20 
or other amounts some of our projects 
pay as much as 90 dollars for having fun 
expressing opinions while navigating the 
web simple as that and last but not 
least the granddaddy of them all this is 
actually a large company is called user 
testing right get paid $10 per test and 
via PayPal and it takes about 20 minutes 
of the video for you to complete it the 
tests take 20 minutes you get paid ten 
dollars per test three tests is one hour 
which equates to 30 dollars per 
hours so how does this actually work 
guys it literally is as easy as it seems 
you sign up for user testing and as long 
as you have some very basic things like 
access to a laptop that has you know a 
normal recording system access to your  
brain that you know you're able to 
actually speak and having like a very 
basic level of English is legitimately 
all you need to get paid and most of 
these sites actually have tests that you 
can do with iPhones and with smartphones 
as well so you don't even necessarily 
need a laptop and so how this works 
specifically guys is you sign up for 
these tests you get a set of 
instructions like saying you know 
register for the website click these 
buttons like interact with the top bar 
when I got when I signed up for mine it 
was literally signing up to a school 
website like a college website and it 
was telling me to register for an 
account and it took me legitimately like 
probably eight or nine minutes to do and 
they sent me ten dollars on PayPal and 
it arrived within like a less than a 
week so it was super simple super easy 
probably the easiest ten dollars that 
I've ever made just kidding 
it's probably not the easiest ten 
dollars I've ever made but it's probably 
close and it's an amazing way to get 
started guys some tips on how to be 
successful guys is you want to actually 
be detailed you want to be thorough you 
want to be talking the entire time 
you're doing this I literally read the 
question out loud myself and I talk 
through the entire process I was like 
okay this is a very obvious that I click 
here to actually register you know I 
like the I like the outline of the 
registration box you know the top bar 
looks pretty good it was very intuitive 
I really like I didn't have any 
questions like when I was you know going 
through this process and then if you're 
ever confused you know you talk about 
that and things like that and so you 
know obviously this is a great way to 
make money with literally and no 
required skills no upfront capital or 
pretty much nothing upfront at all all 
you have to have is a very basic level 
of English a computer or smartphone and 
you know a brain and the willingness and 
time to actually participate in this and 
that's a very rare thing right you don't 
need anything to get started and you can 
make money pretty much immediately just 
exchanging your time which is an awesome 
little thing right so like everything in 
the world 
though when things seem too good to be true they generally are and what I mean 
by that in this particular cases there's 
one major drawback of this site and that 
is you are not able to do as many tests 
as you want right I can't sit down and 
take a hundred tests in a row and earn 
ten times 100 or a thousand dollars 
right that's not how it works you 
literally only have access to a certain 
number of tests per week but like always 
guys I have a solution for that too 
which is you sign up to all of these 
websites simultaneously right and then 
you're able to actually have access to 
multiple tests per week per site which 
means that you can earn more money if 
you actually use all these sites and so 
what I did was I signed up for try my UI 
not to be confused with urinary tract 
infection try my user lytx I signed up 
for user Linux sorry user testing I 
signed up for all of them right and I 
was given you know five tests a week ten 
tests a week whatever it was for each 
site and then I was able to do a bunch 
of sites and earn a bunch more money by 
using all three the reason that we have 
six tabs open right is because there are 
three other websites that have honorable 
mention and what I mean by that is they 
aren't as good they aren't as reputable 
they aren't as mainstream they aren't as 
old they don't have as good of reviews 
and testimonials but they still seem to 
me and I haven't personally used these 
three but they seem to me like they also 
are a legitimate option if you want to 
get access to more tests which means 
that you're able to make more money 
right so the last three that I recommend 
only after signing up for these three 
which are obviously the main three have 
the most reviews like the longest 
history they've paid out the most money 
right the other three that I would 
recommend if you want more tests are 
user feel calm what users do calm and 
enroll calm and roll app calm right 
these three basically the exact same 
service a little bit less reputable a 
little bit less reviews but they also 
are a legitimate option so guys this is 
a great way to make money if you're just 
getting started and you have literally 
no money to start you know one of the 
coolest parts about it to me guys is 
it's actually fun like I enjoy user 
interface I enjoy looking at you know 
design and critiquing things because 
I've made software myself and you know 
it's just something that I enjoy doing 
like it doesn't seem boring it doesn't 
seem like tedious to me I'd much rather 
you know do a user interface review than 
do accounting for example like I used to 
do for 80 hours a week and so this isn't 
the worst thing in the world it's 
definitely an awesome way to make money 
when you have nothing to get started 
because at the beginning guys how it 
works is you have a lot of time and you 
don't have very much money but as you 
start to earn more and more money then 
you start to have more money and not as 
much time so at the beginning you have
to have more time right and you get less 
money and then as you start to become 
more successful as an entrepreneur you 
have more money and less time and so the 
beauty of this guys is all used to do is 
how to exchange your time for money and 
you can earn a bunch of money sitting 
behind your laptop which is a rare thing 
especially when it choirs zero money to 
get started and obviously guys this is
not meant to be do this for the rest of 
your life or make a career out of it if 
you're smart what you're going to do is 
you're going to do these tasks do these 
tests save every single dollar you earn 
and then invest it in a real scalable 
business model like Amazon FBA like 
Shopify like creating a Facebook 
marketing agency right and then you can 
really start to build a full time income 
and leave that nine-to-five job behind 
you forever which is the point of 
everything that I do so if you like this article
 guys it would mean a lot to me.